Bookings & Fees
Appointments can be made by contacting reception on
(07) 5572 6888.
Except in urgent cases, attendance is preferably by appointment.
However, we have a flexible appointment system to cater for emergency, urgent cases and walk-ins.
Longer consultations are available on request; please let our receptionist know when booking your appointment.
If you are suffering unrelieved chest pain, symptoms suggestive of a stroke or severe trauma you should immediately call 000.

Consultation Fees
Bulk Billing is available providing you have a current Medicare Card.
Private fees will be charged to patients without a current Medicare Card. A standard consultation is $80.00. A longer consultation is $120.00. Procedures may attract a higher fee.
Some consultations do not have a medicare rebate and cannot be bulk-billed. Examples include commercial drivers licence medicals and employment medicals. Please check with reception if you are making a booking for this.
Full payment is required on the day of consultation. Please present your valid Medicare, Health Care or Pension Card at each appointment.

Phone consults are available to eligible patients who have an existing relationship with the GP or practice.
Medicare requirements are that you must have been seen face-to-face within 12 months to meet criteria for a phone consult.
Phone consults are conducted in real time. Phone consults are not recorded, duplicated or stored.
General practice telephone consultations are subject to the same RACGP Standards for general practices (5th edition) and government legislation concerning consent, confidentiality and privacy.